Since then, both Nick and Robin have become Trustees of the Kidney Fund, and they have arranged three Charity Balls at the Royal Automobile Club in Epsom. They also arranged an evening with the Football Personality Barry Fry at the De Vere Seldon Estate Hotel in South Croydon, raising over £50,000 in the process. In 2018 they also arranged for The Kidney Fund to be one of the Mayor of Sutton's (Steve Cook) two nominated charities and this has benefitted the Kidney Fund greatly, raising £32,000.
After our son was diagnosed some years ago with kidney disease, Tom and I wanted to learn more about kidney disease and how we could better help our son prepare for the future. We attended fundraising events, advertised in the newsletter Renality.
His care and consultant appointments were arranged with St Helier’s excellent renal unit which covers patients in the huge catchment area of Surrey, South London & West Sussex.
We aim to raise awareness of kidney disease and specifically the work of The Kidney Fund and its funding of the SWTIRR, which supports essential research into kidney disease and diabetes. We feel we are giving something back to help others like our son. Our son was fortunate to receive a kidney transplant almost two years ago. We learnt even more back then and realised just how important research is, to improve treatments, care and eventually to find a cure for kidney disease.
Please join us, we would love to meet you, and we need people in all areas to do their own fundraising.