How Do I Donate?

Make a one-off donation online, by cheque, or via a SMS

The three main ways of making a one-off donation to the The Kidney Fund are by credit card online, by cheque or by text. Please see below for details on the three methods.


Text the message KIDNEY (amount in pounts) to 70450 to make a donation via your mobile phone.


Online donations may be made securely via Just Giving. The Just Giving will also collect gift aid on your donation (if appropriate) and send it to us. If you would like to identify the reason for your donation (e.g. if in memory of someone) please email to let the team know the details.


Cheque donations should be made payable to ‘The Kidney Fund’ and sent to:

The Kidney Fund
Renal Unit
St Helier Hospital
Wrythe Lane

If your donation is eligible for Gift Aid, please download our gift aid form and return it to us with your donation and we will be able to reclaim an additional 25% on your gift.

Join our Weekly Lottery.

Here are SIX GOOD REASON why:

  • You may win!
  • It’s easy to do and it costs just £1 per entry per week.
  • 50p of your £1 and everyone else’s £1 will go to the winner (which could be you!).
  • 50p of all the £1 will go towards kidney research.
  • The more members, the larger the prize.
  • The more members, the more funding for kidney research which will eventually result in prevention or a cure.


Download a Lottery application to join

For further information: email: or phone 020 8296 3698

Leave Us a Legacy.

One of the best ways to ensure that the vital work to arrest and alleviate kidney disease continues is to include The Kidney Fund in your will. It will help to secure the future of research at the Institute, as well as allowing the Fund to plan to extend its work. If you are planning on leaving us a legacy, it would be helpful for us to know so that we can plan for the future. You can download a strictly confidential Legacy Pledge here.

Making a will is simple, but you should seek independent advice from a solicitor or other qualified person. The registered charity number for The Kidney Fund is 800952.

Whatever you give will make a great difference. It will cost nothing in your lifetime, but will be a permanent memorial. It will be a legacy to all present and future kidney patients. It may be a gift to your children and your grandchildren.

Payroll Giving.

You can ‘Give As You Earn’ to Kidney Research through your employer. Download and complete the instruction form here, and take it to your payroll department. Tell them that you want to contribute to charity through the Give As You Earn scheme. If they do not have this scheme available, you can ask them to set it up. The amount you donate will be deducted from your pre-tax salary, and every £1 donated to the charity will cost you 60p to 78p (depending on your marginal tax rate).

The Kidney Fund’s charity registration number is 800952.

Thank you so much for your support!